How To Attract A Man Emotionally? Ways To Pull Him Closer To You

As women we all know that men tend to be very visual. They are initially attracted to a woman based on a strong physical connection. They see someone who catches their eye and they seek out more. That’s more than likely what happened with you and the man you’re with now. But the sad fact is that long term relationships don’t blossom based just on physical attraction. There has to be more there. That’s why so many women are asking the question of how to attract a man emotionally. Understanding what you can do to create a strong emotional bond with the man you’re interested in can help you change the entire scope and future of the relationship.

Learning how to attract a man emotionally begins with recognizing the power in catering to his ego. Most men aren’t nearly as confident as they’d want us to believe they are. They struggle with self esteem issues much the same way we do. When a man doesn’t feel as though the woman he’s involved with sees him as her personal hero, he’s not going to feel that strong of an emotional attachment to her. That’s why it’s fundamentally important for you to make him feel special and valued at every opportunity. Share with him that you find him more desirable than any other man in the world. Make it clear that you value and appreciate everything he brings to your life. If you can do these things regularly, he’ll definitely start to feel emotionally connected to you in no time.


Men want and need to feel that they are the center of attention sometimes. If you go on constantly about yourself and you don’t ask questions about him or seem interested in what’s going on in his life, he’s actually going to end up pulling away from you emotionally. When you two are having a discussion, ask him pointed questions about his life. Learn all you can about his work and the people that are important to him. Don’t push for details that he’s not yet ready to share, but definitely focus more on what’s going on in his life than yours. If he senses that you have a genuine interest in his life, that’s bound to help him to feel closer to you.

Always allow your kindness and compassion to shine through. Men are much more inclined to allow themselves to become emotionally attached to a woman who is genuinely nice. You can definitely attract a man emotionally by showing him that you are understanding, patient and kind. Almost all men want a life partner who has all of these qualities so show him that’s who you are and he’ll be drawn to you.

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Every woman has the power to make her man fall in love with her. You can have a deep, undying emotional connection with him. Learn the specific techniques that will make you completely and utterly irresistible to him by clicking here.Author: Gillian Reynolds